Rhya - Goddess of Nature, Fertility, Childbirth, and Family Description: Rhya is the wife of Taal, mother of Manann and Verena. Those who worship her view Rhya as the goddess of nature, fertility, childbirth and the family. Others, outside the cult, view Rhya as either a lesser aspect of the Mother-Goddess or a deity who is much diminished so that her worship is incorporated with and overshadowed by Taal. Depicted as a loving mother (and, at times, a pregnant one), Rhya represents the fertility and bounty of the earth and mothers everywhere. To scholars of theological studies, Rhya represents a deity in decline. As such, her exact role in the scheme of divine matters is the subject of much debate. Is she a deity in her own right? Or, a lesser aspect of the Mother dealing with the bearing of children and sowing a crop in the fertile earth? Maybe, she is only the wife of Taal and therefore should be incorporated into his worship. Naturally, the cult is inclined to frown upon those diminishing their deity. Alignment: Neutral. Symbol: Rhya's symbols are an acorn, a sheath of wheat, a babe in a mother's arms, or a hearth. Her Initiates and Clerics wear simple, green woolen robes with one or more of these symbols sewn into the hems, carved into their staffs, or on the straps of their satchels containing healing herbs. Area of Worship: Rhya is chiefly worshipped in the small farming villages that are located on the outskirts of cities and large towns throughout the Old World (to those involved with animal husbandry, Rhya is known as Dyrath, the Fertility Goddess). Also popular with pregnant women and young mothers. Temples: The cult is widespread with individual temples (few as they are) and shrines autonomous in all matters. Only during the summer solstice (Sonnstill) do a number of priest gather in a place chosen by Rhya. There is no seat for the cult as most of the priests are itinerants, traveling from village to village, shrine to shrine. Most farming villages are unable to support a temple dedicated to Rhya. Instead, a small, simple shrine is usually built and maintained between the village and the fields. In homes, especially isolated homesteads, the hearth would be set aside to honor Rhya. Cairns are also built in the fields so that Rhya may bless their labor. Friends and Enemies: The cult of Rhya is friendly with most major religions of the Old World, especiallt those of Taal, Manaan, and the Old Faith. The cult also has reciprocal respect towards the Elder Races (Dwarven, Halfling, and Elven) cults. Additionally, they are tolerant but critical of Ranald cult. Holy Days: Rhya's main festive days are the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes as they are associated with the planting and harvesting of crops. Minor days include 2 Jahrdrung (Day of Pruning), 9 Sommerzeit (Harvest of Spring Fruits), and family birthdays. Cult Requirements: There are no explicit requirements for acceptance into the cult; the cult is theoretically open to all petitioners, including the Elder Races (especially Halflings). Strictures: Followers of Rhya must abide by the following strictures: -Reverence for the bounty of the earth, the miracle of life, and the honor of motherhood. -Respect and honor for family and kin. -Defend family and the bounty of the earth from any who would destroy, defile, and corrupt them. -Aid any kin less fortunate, especially the elderly. Spell Use: Clerics of Rhya may use all Petty Magic, Battle Magic, and Elemental Magic spells which are protective or defensive in nature (e.g., Aura of Resistance, Protection from Rain). They are prohibited from using any offensive or harm causing spells. In addition, the following spells may be used by Clerics of Rhya: Ease Pain Spell Level: Petty Magic Points: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous Ingredients: Soft cloth or feather This spell allows the caster the ability to ease the pain experienced by an individual. Usually it's used to ease the pain of childbirth and other minor injuries which does not normally result in a loss of Wounds. However, this spell can be used to lessen the effects of any first level spells which cause injury (such as fireball). If cast on the victim within 10 rounds of injury, the wounds inflicted are reduced by 1, even if the character is seriously wounded. Ward Vegetation Spell Level: 2 Magic Points: 5 per 125 Cubic Yards Range: Touch Duration: 1d3 days Ingredients: None The cleric is granted the power to protect a large area of vegetation (and the soil within which they are rooted) from blight and other infestations. In addition, this spell can slow any seepage of contamination from Chaos substances such as Warpstone and Warpdust. The volume to be warded must be marked off by holy symbols inscribed onto the barks of trees and stems of smaller plants. Once invoked, the inscribed symbols disappear from normal view and can only be perceived by those with the Magical Sense skill. Skills: In addition to skills normally available to them, Clerics of Rhya may choose one extra skill at each level, from the following list: Animal Care, Cure Disease, Heal Wounds, Herb Lore, Identify Plant, Immunity to Disease, and Manufacture Drugs (herbal base only). As always, skills gained must be paid for with Experience Points. Trials: Trials set by Rhya typically involve delivering produce to blight ravaged areas and successfully working those fields to recover its fertility or protecting isolated homesteads in bandit (or other foul being) infested areas. Blessings: Skills favored by Rhya include all curative skills (such as Cure Disease, Heal Wounds, or Herb Lore) and some medicinal (Manufacture Drugs with herbal bases).