From: cc697@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Eric Oppen) Subject: Josef Dredd, Templar of Solkan As longtime readers of this mailing list and those who've accessed the Archives know, the great enemies of Judge Dredd(tm), the Angel Gang, have trans-dimensional counterparts in the Old World. What few people know is that somehow or other, so does the great champion of Law in Mega-City One...none other than Judge Joe Dredd! Josef Dredd, Templar of Solkan (ex-Witch Hunter, ex-Judicial Champion, ex-Watchman) M 4 WS 73 BS 56 S 4 T 5 W 12 I 65 A 3 Dex 56 Ld 45 Int 40 Cl 37 WP 79 Fel 40 Alignment: Lawful (Solkan) Skills: dodge Blow, Marksmanship, Read+Write, Ride Horse, Specialist Weapon: (Crossbow Pistol, Fencing Sword, Fist Weapon, Flail, Lasso, Net, Parrying Weapon, Throwing Weapon, Two-Handed Weapon) Silent Move (Rural and Urban), Sixth Sense, Law, Public Speaking. Josef Dredd is a man consumed by an ideal of perfect lawfulness. While a watchman in Altdorf, chafing at the corruption he saw all around him, he received a vision from Solkan. After this, he devoted himself to eradicating the scourge of crime, donating any money he received to Solkan's clerics. Rising rapidly, he served as Judicial Champion for the Altdorf authorities until he resigned in protest of a corrupt verdict by the city's chief judge. Now, he wanders the Empire, fighting crime and Chaos whereever he finds them. Humourless, he applies the law to all, precisely alike. Even noble criminals fear him, since his reputation for absolutely upright, evenhanded dealing makes him a very persuasive witness against their wrongdoings. He is followed in his wanderings by his servant, Walter, and a female 4th-level Wizard/3rd-level Illusionist of Solkan, Kassandra Andersen. He has dreamed of the Engels repeatedly, and seeks them to put an end to their depradations on the innocent forever. -- \|/ /\ \|/ |"Random action produces random political results...Why waste \/ \/ | even a rock?"--Abbie Hoffman, in _Steal This Book_. / \ | <--Hobo symbol for "Man armed at this address..." /____________\ | "Mentally undressing the Internet"