The known Elf gods are: Adamnan-na-Brionha, Asuryan, Isha, Liadriel (WFRP p208), Lileath, Kurnous, Khaine, Mathlann, Morai-heg the Crone, Torothal and Vaul. Rather than go into elaborate detail with each god a few pieces of information are given below that concerns all Elven gods. Alignment: Unless it says otherwise all Elven gods will be of Good alignment. Area of Worship: All of the above gods are exclusively worshipped in either Ulthuan or by the Wood Elves of the Old World, although the dark side of Khaine is worshipped in Naggaroth. Friends and Enemies: Not surprisingly the cults of each Elven god are friendly to each other especially spouses and fellow siblings. However there is open hostility towards the Gods of Chaos and the Dark Elf gods. The human gods are respected and there are generally good relations with each cult. Those gods more associated with Wood Elves will reserve undying hatred towards goblinoids as they are defilers of the forests. Holy Days: Elves worship their gods differently to the way most humans worship their own. They don't have set days for worship as such although one or two Elven cults will maintain a set number of days for special worship. Cult Requirements: Unless it states otherwise the only requirements are that Initiates must be either High Elf or Wood Elf, sometimes both. Sea Elves can follow either specifically High Elf or Wood Elf gods. Strictures: Unless it states otherwise, most Elven religious organisations don't lay down strictures. However the common stricture, if ever there was to be one, would be the slaying of Dark Elves and the followers of Chaos wherever they are to be found. ADAMNAN-NA-BRIONHAThe Lord of the Dance Description: Adamnan-na-Brionha was born in the mists before the dawn of time, of a union between the forces of Sound and Motion. The Wardancers hold that he is The First Being, whose dance structures the Universe. He is also known as The First and The Lord of the Dance. Adamnan-na-Brionha reflects two seemingly contradictory aspects of life - the joy of dance and the fury of righteous slaying. He appears as a mighty Elf, whose left hand side is slender and graceful, and whose right side shows the massive muscles of a mighty warrior. His face is also split between an expression of transcendent bliss and one of eye-popping fury. The Wardancers believe that it is their fusion of war and dance that provides the earthly interpretation of their deity's manifestation. Alignment: Neutral. Symbol: Adamnan is symbolised by a flute held in a clenched fist. Divotees of The Lord of the Dance usually adopt one of the flamboyant Wardancer hairstyles, and, in addition, they must wear their god's symbol, either as a pendant or a pair of earrings. Their left ear holds a tiny flute, often worked in silver, while the right is home to a clenched fist, usually worked in gold. Area of Worship: Adamnan-na-Brionha is worshipped by Wood Elves across the Old World, including all Wardancers. Temples: The organised trappings of most religions are alien to these free-living Elves, and formal temples are not used - Adamnan-na-Brionha is to be worshipped in the heart, not tied to any one place. Friends and Enemies: Followers of Adamnan are on good terms with those who worship the rest of the Wood Elf pantheon, and have a generally positive (if condescending) attitude towards the Old Faith and the cults of Taal and Rhya. They also get on reasonbly well with followers of Ranald. Other Human cults are generally ignored, and the Dwarven pantheon is regarded with a certain amount of amusements. Traditional racial enemies - especially goblinoids - are regarded with contempt and hatred, as a kind of vermin to be destroyed at every opportunity. Holy Days: Specific dates hold little meaning for the followers of Adamnan-na-Brionha, and his cult has no specific holy days. It is events and actions which are important, hence dancing, ritual killing, training and the acceptance of new Wardancers are all held to be sacred acts when performed with the correct attitude of mind. For those versed in the higher mysteries of Adamnan, each action, however trivial, forms part of the Dance of Life and every experience is deemed to be as significant as every other. Cult Requirements: The cult is open to all Elves. An Elf must complete the Wardancer career before proceeding to become an Initiate of Adamnan. Strictures: The cult of Adamnan places few strictures on its members, they must keep themselves fit and supple at all times, and never act in a manner that threatens the good of the Elven race. However, certain things may particularly please or displease Adamnan; these are mainly related to attitude rather than actions. Entering combat with joy and righteous anger and fighting with athletic elegance are considered pleasing to the Lord of the Dance. Killing in a mean-spirited, cowardly or inelegant fashion attracts his displeasure. Spell Use: Mage-Priests of Adamnan may use all Petty Magic spells, and all Battle Magic spells except Fire Ball, Wind Blast, Lightning Bolt and Curse of Arrow Attraction. Instead, Mage-Priests of Adamnan may use level 1 Illusionist spell Bewilder Foe and the Elemental spells Cloud of Smoke, Resist Fire and Dust Storm. Skills: Initiates and Mage-Priests of Adamnan may gain one of the following skills at each level: Dance, Musicianship, Sing, Street Fighter and Wrestling. These skills must be bought with experience points as usual. Trials: A trial set by Adamnan will usually involve dealing with a creature or group of creatures that has failed to treat the Elven race with due respect - for example, goblinoids encroaching into the forest, Human woodcutters and charcoal-burners who have dared to invade the deeper parts of the forest and cut down the lornalim tree. The style in which a trial is undertaken is at least as important as its success. Blessings: A blessing from Adamnan may take the form of the single use of an appropriate spell, a skill from the lists above, or the automatic success of one test from the following list: Fall, Jump, Leap, Reaction or any test on WS. Edited from White Dwarf 112 ASURYANThe Phoenix King, Lord of all Elf Gods Description: Asuryan is the greatest and oldest of all the Elven Gods and is sometimes known as the Phoenix King to many Elves, despite the ruler of Ulthuan sharing the same name. Asuryan is portrayed as a very wise Elf seated upon a white throne of marvellous intricacy. He wears a cloak of beautiful white feathers, not unlike the one worn by the Phoenix Kings of Ulthuan and carries a sceptre of his mastery. Asuryan can also take the form of a Phoenix or a Great Eagle. Symbol: There are many symbols that represent Asuryan. The most common symbol is one of a stylised pyramid with a Phoenix in the centre spreading its huge wings. At the tip of the pyramid is portrayed the eternal flame as a sun shining rays of light. Mage-Priests of Asuryan wear robes of varying shades of red, yellow and gold often trimmed with flame designs. Temples: The chief temple to Asuryan is the shrine of Asuryan in Ulthuan. It is here that the new Phoenix King is crowned. This most magnificent place of worship in the known world lies on the Island of Flame due north of Lothern in Ulthuan. Located on this island is the shrine of Asuryan which is more than a mere shrine but a huge, ancient pyramid. Other temples to Asuryan can only be found in the Loren Forest but these are much smaller than those found in Ulthuan and tend to be shrine-like. The ruins of the original Temples of Asuryan can be found in places in the Old World when the High Elves first settled. Spell Use: Mage-Priests of Asuryan are able to use all Petty Magic and Battle Magic spells. Skills: For 100 experience points a Mage-Priest of Asuryan can roll on the Skill Chart of his choice, per level. Trials: Trails set to devout followers of Asuryan usually involve destroying large numbers of Dark Elves or taking on a creature of Chaos. Blessings: To a Mage-Priest of Asuryan that has performed undeniably well a blessing might take the form of a temporary increase in Ld, Int, Cl or WP. Favoured tests include Ld, Int, Cl and WP. Punishments may include the temporary decrease in any of the four 'mental' characteristics. ISHAGoddess of the Harvest Description: Isha is the goddess of the harvest and is worshipped by most farmers throughout Ulthuan, but is also seen as the goddess of fertility or Earth Mother. The farmers often give offerings to her temples in the hope of a good harvest. She is a merciful god who lends succour to those in need of it. Isha is commonly depicted as a gloriously beautiful young elf woman with immeasurably long, golden ponytails flowing about her. She is the daughter of Asuryan and Lileath. Symbol: Commonly a stylised eye with a single tear below it. Mage-Priests of Isha are usually female and they wear robes of pure white. Temples: There are no temples to Isha as such but some elves have small shrines dedicated to her in their houses. Her worship is most popular among Wood Elves not least because she is the wife of Kurnous the Hunter and is immersed in their theological histories. Spell Use: Mage-Priests of Isha are able to cast all Petty Magic and Elemental Magic. In addition, a Mage-Priest of Isha can also cast the healing spells available only to Clerics of Shallya: Cure Poison, Treat Illness, Cure Insanity and Heal Injury. Skills: Mage-Priests of Isha can gain the following skills one per level at the cost of 100 experience points as normal: Heal Wounds, Herb Lore, Identify Plants, Prepare Poisons and Cook. Trials: A trail undertaken by a Mage-Priest of Isha might involve having to feed a famished population with minimal resources or to transform parched desert land into a fertile paradise. Blessings: Skills include Cook, Heal Wounds, Herb Lore, Identify Plants, Prepare Poisons and Surgery. Other blessings may take the form of a temporary, or permanent, increase in Cl or Fel. Favoured tests include Cl and Fel. KAELA MENSHA KHAINEThe War God, God of Blood and Murder Description: Khaine is also known to elves as Kaela Mensha Khaine which means bloody-handed Khaine. To the Dark Elves Khaine is simply seen as the god of murder and blood or death, everything which they stand for. To the High Elves that never followed the dark path he is seen as an important god, a god which enhances the war-like side of their soul, but one which must be controlled. To Dark Elves Kaela Mensha Khaine is seen as a four armed, fanged, daemon-like giant surrounded by a sea of chittering scorpions: it is in this form that the murderers and assassins of the Old World have taken to worshipping. To the High Elves he is portrayed as a huge, angry elf warrior clad in bronze plate armour stained with blood. His long flowing jet-black hair is often caked with the blood of his foes. He is also seen as carrying two serrated blades that drip blood eternally. Alignment: Special. For those ignorant of Khaine's true nature he is seen as evil, as he is to the Dark Elves, but to the High Elves he simply represents their violent nature and therefore he can be seen as Neutral but very definitely violent. Symbol: Khaine has many symbols. Common among Dark Elves and normal murderers is a stylised scorpion symbol. To High Elves the symbol is of a dagger dripping with one drop of blood. The colours of Khaine are black and red, symbolising night, death and blood. Area of Worship: Khaine is worshipped by most who delight in death and murder with Naggaroth being the principal place of worship. The place that symbolises the god of murder is, surprisingly, just north of Ulthuan on an island called the Blighted Isle where the great black Alter of Khaine lies. Embedded in the alter is the Sword of Khaine forged by Vaul at the beginning of the world that could kill mortals and immortals alike, even gods. Open worship of Khaine is only performed at the start of a battle, at any other times it is forbidden; fearing that to worship such a god on a day to day basis would turn Ulthuan into another Naggaroth. The Dark Elves have no such hang-ups and do the exact opposite. Temples: There is a dark place right at the heart of the High Elf realm of Ulthuan. This place is known as the Blighted Isle where the Shrine of Khaine lies. At the alter lies a weapon of supreme power and this weapon is said to be different to each and every person that sees it. To some it may appear to be a spear, to others an axe or a sword. When Ulthuan was young the greatest warrior of Elvenkind, Aenarion, the first Phoenix King of Ulthuan, grasped the Sword of Khaine and defended the Elven Kingdom from certain defeat at the hands of Chaos. Now the alter is a shunned place. Outside Ulthuan the only temples dedicated to Khaine lie in secret places in the Old World and the dreaded Dark Elf kingdom Naggaroth. Cult Requirements: There are no High Elf, Sea Elf or Wood Elf Mage-Priests of Khaine. Only Dark Elves vigorously follow this dark god and delight in preaching the values of murder, death and destruction. Spell Use: There are no High Elf, Sea Elf or Wood Elf Mage-Priests that follow Khaine. Only Dark Elves worship Khaine sufficiently enough to be granted magic. Dark Elf Mage-Priests of Khaine are able to cast all Petty Magic, Battle Magic and Necromantic spells. Skills: These include Strike Mighty Blow, Specialist Weapon, Strike to Injure, Torture and Shadowing. Trials: Trials set by Khaine invariably involve spilling large amounts of blood or to undergo an assassination of someone important or super-powerful. Blessings: Skills favoured by Khaine are any Specialist Weapon, Strike Might Blow, Strike to Injure. A blessing may take the form of a temporary increase in WS, S or A. A punishment may take the form of a temporary, or even permanent, decrease in WS, S, T, W or A. KURNOUSGod of the Hunt, Lord of the Beasts Description: Said by some Human theologians to be an aspect of Taal, the Old Worlder god of nature and wild places, Kurnous is one of the major deities of the Wood Elf pantheon, being the master of the forest animals among which Wood Elves live. He is the patron of Beastfriends, and is worshipped by some Elven Scouts and Hunters. Kurnous is normally portrayed as a composite being, over ten feet tall, with an Elven body but the head and tail of a stag. It is said that he can also take the form of any forest creature at will. Alignment: Neutral. Nature favours neither good nor evil, and so neither does Kurnous. Symbol: Like Taal, Kurnous is represented by a stag's head with branching antlers. Mage-Priests of Kurnous dress in the same way as other Elves. Temples: The whole of the forest is Kurnous' temple: wherever his beasts wander, he is present. However, there are places which are more special to his worship than others: certain natural clearings, rocks, trees and so on. A Wood Elf automatically recognises these places: members of other races cannot. Elves will almost always try to keep other races away from holy ground. Friends and Enemies: Followers of Kurnous are generally well-disposed to other Wood Elves, and to those of other races who follow Taal, Rhya and the Old Faith. They do, however, maintain that Taal is a combination of a number of Wood Elven deities including Kurnous, rather than Kurnous being an aspect of Taal. By and large, followers of Kurnous are indifferent to followers of other Old World deities, and they regard the cults of Chaos and the deities of the Goblinoids with unremitting hatred. Holy Days: Kurnous has two main holy days; the middle of spring, when food becomes plentiful and young are born, and the middle of autumn, when all species must prepare themselves for the coming winter. The dates of these festivals are not fixed in the Imperial Calendar, but are calculated from various natural signs by a method set down in Elven tradition, so they vary from year to year. Cult Requirements: Any Wood Elf may follow Kurnous. Strictures: All followers of Kurnous must keep the following strictures:
Spell Use: Mage-Priests of Kurnous can use all Petty Magic, Elemental Magic and Druidic Priest spells, except Tap Earthpower and Create Sacred Grove. Skills: Initiates of Kurnous receive Charm Animal instead of Secret Language - Classical. Mage-Priests of Kurnous may roll once on the Rangers Skills Table at each level, re-rolling if necessary until they receive a skill which they do not already possess. This is in addition to the skills listed for each level in the WFRP rulebook (p151). Mage-Priests of Kurnous may gain the skill Call Animal at each level above Initiate, taking a different species each time. Trials: Trials set by Kurnous always involve the defence of the forest and its animals. This can involve driving away those who threaten animals, ranging from a lone Human trapper to a Goblinoid or Chaos warband. In rare cases, a trial might be to relieve the suffering of animals - by freeing animals captured for pit-fights, for instance. The latter kind of trial has led to a certain amount of conflict with Humans in the past, but entertainments such as bear-baiting are less common than they once were, and Humans increasingly regard them as barbaric and unnecessary. Blessings: Skills favoured by Kurnous are all those to do with animals - Animal Care, Animal Training, Charm Animal, Ride and Trick Riding, and occasionally others, according to the circumstances. Favoured test are mainly Cl and Fel tests made in circumstances when animals are closely involved. On rare occasions, a one-shot use of Call Animal skill may be granted. Punishments, as usual, will generally be the reverse effects of blessings, but Kurnous may also inflict a character with the Animal Aversion magical disability (see WFRP, p138). By Graeme Davis from Warhammer Companion. LILEATHGoddess of Dreams and Fortune Description: Lileath is also sometimes known as the Maiden. She is the Goddess of Dreams and Fortune and is a popular deity amongst the High Elves of Ulthuan. Lileath is supposed to be the giver of dreams to all Elves; those that have pleased her receive pleasurable dreams whereas those that have upset her receive nightmares. She is chiefly worshipped by Elven seers and soothsayers. Lileath the Maiden is portrayed as a gloriously beautiful Elven maiden with pure white, flowing garments of shiny gossamer and in her right hand she carries the Staff of Lileath. The goddess is also sometimes depicted as having beautiful white wings like an angel. Symbol: The most popular symbol depicted is that of a winged Elven angel. Sometimes the angel holds two knives above her head. Mage-Priests of Lileath wear robes of white and grey in varying shades. Temples: Temples to Lileath are always magnificent in design and construction. Although many of them follow the typical High Elven design some take the form of pyramids and cannot be distinguished from temples of Asuryan. When one walks into a temple of Lileath he is struck by the smell of burning incense. This is meant to symbolise the dreams of Lileath and some even claim that those of pure heart can see into the future by looking into the smoking curls of incense. Spell Use: Mage-Priests of Lileath can cast all Petty Magic and Illusionist Magic spells. Skills: These include Astronomy, Divination, Herb Lore and Luck and must be paid for at the cost of 100 experience points as normal. Trials: Lileath does not set trials as such when indicated on the Advance Table. Instead a character must spend another 100 experience points and try again, bear in mind that Lileath will be watching the character's progress with interest and may even influence events. Blessings: Lileath may grant a character the ability to re-roll any one failed result. She may also boost a character's magic point total to its maximum level, or even beyond for a short period of time. Favoured tests include Int, Cl and WP. MATHLANNGod of the Storms Description: Mathlann, like Kurnous God of the Hunt, is known in the Old World. Old Worlders who follow Manann say that Mathlann is but an aspect of their god. But he is worshipped in sufficient numbers, mainly by Sea Elves, to have equal status to any Old World deity. He is the God of the Storms. Mathlann is commonly portrayed as an angry god. He wears a giant seashell for a crown, one of great beauty and intricacy, and wears a fine suit of scale armour, which is decorated with fin-like protrusions. In his right hand he carries a trident. Symbol: The favoured symbol of Mathlann is a stylised trident or a shell design in varying levels of detail and intricacy. The Cult's Mage-Priests wear robes of varying shades of blue and green sometimes trimmed with golden wave patterns. Temples: Mathlann is the favoured deity of Sea Elves and all of its temples lie on the coasts. The Elf quarter of Marienburg has a temple to Mathlann as does all of the major coastal cities of Ulthuan. The greatest temple of the God of the Storms lies in the capital of Ulthuan itself, the city of Lothern in the kingdom of Eataine. Cult Requirements: Although Mathlann is a Sea Elf god he is revered by both High Elf and Wood Elf societies. Any of the three Elven kindreds may follow Mathlann. Spell Use: Mage-Priests of Mathlann are able to cast any Petty Magic and Elemental Magic spells. Skills: In addition to skills available as Mage-Priests, Mage-Priests of Mathlann may gain one of the following skills at each level at the cost of 100 experience points as normal: Boat Building, Fish, Navigation and Sailing. Initiates of Mathlann gain the Swim skill automatically. Trials: Mathlann usually sets very hazardous trails to anyone that has upset him, this usually involves crossing the Sea of Claws in winter or the sometimes treacherous Inner Sea of Ulthuan. Blessings: Skills favoured by Mathlann include Astronomy, Boat Building, Fish, Navigation, Orientation, Sailing and Swim. There are no particularly favoured tests, although Risk tests taken while at sea may receive a bonus. MORAI-HEGGoddess of Souls Description: Morai-Heg is also known as the Crone and is the keeper of all Elven souls. It is said that she keeps the fates of mortals in a skin rune pouch and at her behest she may grant an Elven soul to enter the world of the living again. It is believed that Morai-Heg knows every mortal secret. Morai-Heg is portrayed as a whithered creature clad in tatty robes. Her worship is probably the least popular among the Elves of Ulthuan. Outside Elvenkind the Crone is almost unknown although there are certain followers of Morr, the Old World God of Death, that have heard of her and respect her. Symbol: Morei-Heg is symbolised by a gnarled staff and pouch. Mage-Priests of the Crone typically wear dark brown to black robes and carrying bent and gnarled staffs. Higher level Mage-Priests also have small pouches, as the symbol of fates of mortals, dangling from the top of the staff. Temples: There are no true temples of Morei-heg although the palaces and castles of High Elf nobles will often contain a shrine dedicated to the Crone. The shrines themselves are nothing special and usually contain large bowls of smouldering coal. Friends and Enemies: Followers of Morei-Heg are on friendly terms with most other Elven gods but tend to dislike followers of Lileath who feel that they unnecessarily invade their role as seers and diviners for the Elven race. But this dislike never turns to open hostility. However, followers of Morei-Heg hate the followers of Khaine and will seek to destroy them wherever they are to be found. Spell Use: Mage-Priests of Morei-Heg are able to cast Petty Magic and Necromantic Magic spells. Skills: A Mage-Priest of Morei-Heg gains one of the following skills at each level at the cost of 100 experience points as normal: Arcane Language - Necromantic Magick, Divination and Rune Lore. In addition one of these skills may be bought again for another 100 experience points to gain the benefit of a +10 bonus to the test when the skill comes into use. Trials: Trails set by Morei-Heg usually involve destroying the followers of Khaine and Undead creatures. How powerful the opponent should depend on the mastery level of the Mage-Priest; an Initiate won't last long against a group of Dark Elves. Blessings: Favoured skills include Divination, Identify Undead, Magical Awareness and Night Vision. Favoured tests include Intelligence, Fear, Terror and Magic. Punishments may take the form of temporary, or even permanent, blindness or the loss of a useful skill. TOROTHALGoddess of Rain and Rivers Description: Torothal is the goddess of rain and rivers and is principally a Wood Elf deity and little known outside their woodland realms except by some Human woodsmen and trappers. Torothal is said to bring rain and control the currents courses of rivers. It is said that when the rivers rage and flow strong Torothal is angry. Torothal is often portrayed as a very young and beautiful Elven woman. Sometimes she is given fish scale patterns on her skin. It is said that Torothal can assume the form of any fish or river-dwelling creature and can also become a rain cloud at will. Alignment: Neutral. Symbol: Torothal's symbols are stylised designs of rain clouds and wave emblems to symbolise her as patron of rivers. Mage-Priests of Torothal do not wear any special attire and are clad in the normal clothes of Wood Elf society. Area of Worship: Torothal is almost entirely a Wood Elf deity and is worshipped in all the main woodland realms. However, there are some Human fishermen and boatmen that worship the river goddess believing that she will provide them with plentiful fish and calm riverboat journeys. Temples: There are no temples to Torothal. However, there are certain holy places dear to her devout followers and these tend to be very special rivers and lakes or areas in the woodland realms that are especially wet due to incessant rainfall and showers. Holy Days: Days that are special to Mage-Priests of Torothal are endless periods of rain or the rainy months. Cult Requirements: Any Wood Elf may follow Torothal. Spell Use: Mage-Priests of Torothal may use any Petty Magic and Elemental Magic spells as well as the following: Wind Blast, Lightning Bolt, Corrode and Mystic Mist. Skills: An Initiate of Torothal gains the River Lore skill immediately. Additionally, a Mage-Priest of Torothal gains one of the following skills at each level at the cost of 100 experience points as normal: Dowsing, Fish, Sailing and Swim. Trials: Those favoured by Torothal inevitably involve conquering the elements and the natural world. A favoured trial is to swim a raging river or to catch a big fish. Blessings: Torothal's blessings include Dowsing, Fish, Game Hunting, Herb Lore, Orientation, River Lore, Row, Set Trap, Spot Traps and Swim. Favoured tests are Risk (typically involving swimming or boating) and Observation. A punishment may involve a character being struck with fear of water or being unable to swim. VAULGod of Smithing and Metallurgy Description: Vaul is the Elven god of smithing and metallurgy. It is said that before the creation of the world Vaul rescured Isha and Kurnous from the dungeons of Khaine by promising the War God one hundred swords. When the time came to complete the bargain Vaul had finished ninety nine blades, but made up the shortfall with an ordinary mortal blade. By this means he deceived Khaine for long enough to free the captive god and goddess. This was the beginning of the long struggle between Khaine and Vaul which is called the War in Heaven. Vaul forged the final blade, the sword that he had failed to finish for Khaine, and he made it the mightiest sword of all. He called it Anaris (Tar-Eltharin: dawnlight), and with this weapon he did battle with Khaine. The fight was long and Vaul did Khaine much hurt until the War God overpowered him and left him crippled. Khaine then chained Vaul to his own anvil with chains of iron and War in Heaven was won by the war god. Vaul is commonly depicted chained to his anvil as was his fate at the hands of Khaine after the War in Heaven. At other times he may be portrayed as a noble High Elf smithy carrying a hammer. Symbol: Vaul's symbols are those of the hammer and anvil. Mage-Priests of Vaul do not wear any special attire though they will proudly bear the sigils and symbols of their god. Area of Worship: Vaul is not especially known outside Ulthuan though most Elves will know of the Cult's existence. The smithy god's worship is usually confined to High Elf armourers and weaponsmiths although some High Elves view Vaul more than a mere smithy, lending his worship to stonemasons and other artisans. Temples: The main temple to Vaul, if it can be called that, is Vaul's Anvil in the High Elf kingdom of Caledor in Ulthuan. It is where the mightiest weapons are forged and where the most indomitable armours are fashioned. All High Elf forges contain a shrine dedicated to the smithy god. Spell Use: Mage-Priests of Vaul may cast any Petty Magic spells and Battle Magic spells as well as the following Elementalist spells: Assault of Stones, Zone of Hiding, Create Quicksand, Crumble Stone, Dust Storm, Banish Elemental (Earth only), Dispel Elemental (Earth only), Summon Elemental (Earth only), Tunnel Through Stone and Wall haker. Cult Requirements: In order to be accepted into the cult of Vaul as an Initiate a character must be an Elf and must have at least one of the following skills: Engineering, Gem Cutting, Metallurgy, Mining, Smithing and Stoneworking. Skills: Mage-Priests of Vaul gain one of the following skills per level at the cost of 100 experience points as normal: Gem Cutting, Metallurgy, Mining, Smithing and Stoneworking. Trials: A trail set by Vaul may involve constructing something such as a building, weapon or suit of armour. As always the measure of task should be determined by the level of the Mage-Priest who has offended the god. Blessings: Skills favoured by Vaul are Gem Cutting, Metallurgy, Smithing and Stoneworking. Favoured tests are Construct, Observe and Search. A likely punishment may involve the temporary loss of a construction skill. Author: A Fawcett |